Tuesday, October 2, 2007

That time of year

Oh, the joy of Fall, the thrill of the change of seasons and the titillation of Halloween. Every year we Divas have a wonderful excuse to dress up and let our true natures just burst on out. For me, the excitement is always the lure of wearing the most outrageous lipstick I can find and the excuse to wear fishnet stockings.

I was recently walking down the street, past a costume store with a friend. He joked about buying the French Maid's uniform for me if I would dust his house. I told him I be happy to do it, as long as I get to wear the fishnet stockings. From there, the conversation went downhill.

What is it about certain items of underwear? The corset, the stocking, the garter belt? Old fashioned and yet so sexual. Pantyhose may have liberated out mothers, but all indications point to the de-sexualization of our wardrobes.

So, roll on Halloween and the excuse to roll out the wonderful sassy underwear and our wicked sassy selves.

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